JFK: Coming of Age in the American Century 1917-1956

Fredrik Logevall, Harvard University professor of history and international relations and Pulitzer Prize-winning historian, discusses his forthcoming book JFK: Coming of Age in the American Century, 1917-1956 with George Packer, staff writer at The Atlantic.
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  • @bernsteinjade
    @bernsteinjade3 жыл бұрын

    I bought this guy's book on JFK at Costco yesterday on a lark. Can't put it down. A lot of detail, but the author gets the the gist of JFK's formative years and how he really was as a young man. JFK was really pussy crazy. Girls come and go through his life as a young man. I look forward to reading the next volume on JFK from the author. I was 11 years old and lived in Texas when Oswald killed him I still feel a sadness in my heart for the loss of such a quality person and can only speculate how different America would be today had JFK lived to old age.

  • @vernpascal1531


    3 жыл бұрын

    A lot more to it than Oswald killed him ,but I agree with the rest of what you say.

  • @leighshepherd8356


    2 жыл бұрын

    YES its a very FINE book

  • @WhiteCoc0
    @WhiteCoc02 жыл бұрын

    This video helped me out so much, I’m doing a PowerPoint for my 11th grade class about JFK and civil rights and this helped allot.

  • @tyro244
    @tyro2443 жыл бұрын

    I was only 2 and a half years old when JFK was assassinated. Two of my earliest memories include, seeing on TV, the famous the salute John-John gave his father during the funeral procession and, also, falling a sleep facing a picture of JFK that my older brother had put on the wall across from our bunk beds.

  • @leighshepherd8356
    @leighshepherd83562 жыл бұрын

    i LOVE this THANK YOU

  • @maureenogorman8740
    @maureenogorman8740 Жыл бұрын

    In reading this book now and very much enjoying it.

  • @briandd27
    @briandd272 жыл бұрын

    I love this book. I'm listening to the audiobook version. I hope he writes a second book about JFK's later years.

  • @BrianSmith-li3zs
    @BrianSmith-li3zs3 жыл бұрын

    #Briansmithenergy #wellbeing #weareguildford, respect, love and gratitude. Murdered. I am In tears. Thank you for helping.

  • @WLDB
    @WLDB3 жыл бұрын

    Ive never read a biography of JFK so this may be a dumb question but im wondering with all hid medical issues, how did he even get into the military at all, much less a combat role?

  • @tobiasmccorley3671


    3 жыл бұрын

    He failed at first to get in due to his medical issues but later arranged a fixed medical with his father to gain entry.

  • @DavidPoddany


    3 жыл бұрын

    Rich dads got people in or out of service.

  • @vernpascal1531


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@DavidPoddany Yes, but you have to give JFK tremendous credit..most all with his health issues would either be rejected, or never sign up. I don't know how the hell he got through his Military Service with his bad back and all the rest.

  • @BernatSolle


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@@tobiasmccorley3671 Con todo respeto, le hablo desde España y mi conocimiento sobre el Presidente J. F. Kennedy surge desde la admiración, por lo que he ido conociendo de su vida y de su "corta" Legislatura cómo el 35° Presidente de lo Estados Unidos, desde su 1er discurso en la jura de su cargo. Animó, inspiró y encantó a su pueblo y a muchos pueblos del mundo, en los ideales del trabajo, el progreso, la justicia y la paz. Nó, no pudo ingresar en el Ejército por sus problemas de salud. Pero en cuanto se enteró de la creación de las lanchas PT de la Marina, a diferencia de su venerado padre que logró no ser llamado para la 1a Guerra Mundial, J. F. K. se inscribió voluntario con el n° 14. Y cuándo habló con las madres de los muertos en combate, no sacó a relucir sus méritos, como Teniente condecorado, sino que les dijo: "Puedo entender lo que sienten, porque mi madre es cómo una de ustedes". Se refería al fallecimiento de su hermano mayor Joseph al explotar su avión sobre el Canal de la Mancha.

  • @Inquiring_Together
    @Inquiring_Together Жыл бұрын

    Great work. President Kennedy was a special person. I suspect, albeit just speculation, is that Kennedy had a mild form of autism. His intelligence then, was not hindered by some of the limitations, so to speak, of a neurotypical. Both in observation without regards to separation, as well as an eagle's eye perspective on things. This demonstrates itself profoundly in military strategy analysis, as noted in his book pointing out of critical flaws in Britain's military readiness for WW2 and his sense of direction towards unconditional freedom. One not hindered by divisions of race, creed, class or dogma. His lack of natural leadership, like a LBJ or RFK, was weighed out by his trust in them and his open mindedness towards objective setting. Kennedy was like an empty canvas. One which brought about diplomacy between team members as well as inspiration for them to carry out their own leadership endeavors. I can imagine Kennedy as a youth, not quite fitting in with his large family. A little more reserved, a little less interested in small talk, a lot more of feeling the weight of the world on ones shoulders. Only in America can we find the evolution of leadership for the modern world. A type of leadership where in one's strengths are invited and encouraged as well as one's weaknesses are admitted to and sought help for.

  • @BernatSolle
    @BernatSolle Жыл бұрын

    Cuando les escucho con toda mi atención, y les veo hablando de que JFK hizo o no hizo en Indochina-Vietnam, o en implementar más condiciones igualitarias con los afroamericanos; me viene a la mente recordar que él se encontró con unos EE.UU. ya bastante hechos, con programas decididos en la Presidencia anterior y que se ve obligado a asumir, aunque demostró su valor asumiendo toda la responsabilidad del fiasco de Playa Girón en Cuba, pero no cede ante sus generales sobre bombardear o invadir la isla. Y en la grave crisis de los misiles soviéticos, no había solución buena pero supo elegir la menos mala. Y en las enfermedades que padeció, eran reales, leí ya hace tiempo la Historia Clínica de JFK porqué me interesaba, soy médico. Cuando se le diagnosticó la Enfermedad de Addison (insuficiencia suprarrenal severa) no se disponía de Cortisona*, después ya sí, y se le administró de por vida, como un Diabético tipo I, debe administrarse la Insulina* de por vida. Tenía escoliosis (curvatura a dcha. o izqda de la columna dorsal) Y osteoporosis, que es una situación de falta de calcificación o mineralización ósea. Todo ésto, para mí encumbra aún más si cabe, la intensa actividad que desplegó como político imprescindible.

  • @zedpenn696
    @zedpenn6963 жыл бұрын


  • @janetwebb1507
    @janetwebb150710 ай бұрын