Jamie's Vocalise No. 3 (Original Demo)


I composed a short Vocalise, 'Jamie's Vocalise No. 2', a few weeks ago.
I revisited my work several times, and I thought perhaps I should maintain this composition routine by uploading one work every week.
Here is another piece of mine - Vocalise No. 3.
This is the third draft after polishing it again and again to remove some of the strange sounds caused by being too ambitious with incorporating 'interesting elements'.
Those 'strange sounds' occurred when I attempted modulation, changes in tempo, and alterations in time signature all at once.
Yesterday, I managed to arrive at the final version, which is something that is singable.
Well, this is yet another vocalise from me.
Before reaching this version, I made another attempt, but it couldn't materialize into a complete piece.
I believe it was due to a few factors; I began with chords instead of melody.
Upon reflecting on that attempt, I realized I was trying to imitate other songwriters, attempting to write in 'someone else's voice'. I even attempted to avoid using my favorite vowel, 'i'...
...due to lingering voices from the past, telling me 'i' is a narrow vowel that shouldn't be used for warm-ups.
The following day, when I returned to write, I resolved to be true to myself and create 'my thing'.
It ended up flowing naturally.
While it is a bit challenging to sing, with a few more practices, I believe I can produce an actual version.
Here's one of the best expressions I could manage during my practice. I was still juggling between expression and hitting the correct notes...
...but I am excited for the actual version; please stay tuned!
Would you like to contribute the ending?

