Jack Pridmore - Taking the Pressure out of Recovery, Joint Virtual Conference 2021

Taking the Pressure out of Recovery
"A talk on some of the things I wish I’d done differently as a young person, how your version of recovery can be caught (even if you think it can’t), how to avoid the added pressures of ‘enjoying the best years of your life’ and how building a team around you can be one of the greatest things you ever do."
About Jack Pridmore
A participant of BBC Three’s ‘Extreme OCD Camp’ in 2013, Jack has extensively written and spoken about OCD in the national press and TV, including Time to Change, BBC Breakfast and The Victoria Derbyshire Show. Now the CEO of UK-wide disability charity, The Accessful Foundation, Jack is the author of ‘Life On The Other Side’, a two-in-one book about recovery (with proceeds to OCD Action) and a public speaker and business consultant.
This talk was delivered live as part of OCD Action and The BDD Foundation's Joint Virtual Conference on Saturday 26th June 2021.
