
We are passionate about getting everyone on roller skates, but what does it take to be labelled as a skater?
Could we do more than putting skates on people, how can we welcome those who feel excluded when being asked: are you a skater?
This video is not about skills, tricks or doing it right every time you put your skates on, this time we wanted to create a safe environment where everyone can talk about their fears and their passions. Give voice to those who skate, those who don't skate and those who want to start over, where everyone is part of this community, regardless of their level, performance or ability.
We have gathered a diverse group of women from different backgrounds: some skate professionally, other skate for pleasure, some are beginners and others don't skate yet but would like to. They share their experiences and talk about why we let hobbies fade in our lives, the downfall of aiming for perfection and comparing ourselves with others, overcoming our fears and learning from our falls, how to not forget to enjoy skating and help those who might feel the same way as when you started and who might love skating as much as you do.
Skating is a sport, a hobby, a way of expression, a lifestyle, a job and a way to unwind too. Skating can be different for each person, let's remind ourselves that there are no unique shapes or styles or ways to do it and that we can all enjoy it.
Its time to put on the skates and talk
Let's talk about skating and let everyone join the community.
For you, what does it mean to be a skater?
We have roller skates for everyone, discover our complete collection at:
#chayaskates #rollerskates #rollerskating #quadskating #skatetogether #letstalkaboutskating

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  • @tatototz
    @tatototz Жыл бұрын

    Absolutely! I got some Chaya Barbie Patin Kismet skates a little while ago and I love them for park skating.
