Investing in Women's Health with Evgenia Macpherson

This week on the show we warmly welcome Evgenia Macpherson! Evgenia is a tech entrepreneur and VC (venture capital) investor with a finance background. Evgenia is supporting women's health through her Board role at Freja's, Founder of La Visionnaire Conference, and through empowering women founders to get the fundraising they require.
Evgenia first describes her own journey in to the space, as well as explaining some of the ways in which she works to advance the women's health space. She walks us through some of the key trends of the field, as well as some of the most prominent challenges that FemTech companies and female founders face. Evgenia discusses some of the ways in which she advises such entrepreneurs to attract funding and overcome some of these barriers to capital.
Evgenia also discusses her role at Freja's, a non-profit company raising awareness around reproductive health conditions through storytelling. By utilising the power of real-life, long-form stories, Freja aims to highlight some of the struggles that reproductive health concerns can have on people's lives. This is not only empowering for those who share their stories, but also works to help those going through similar struggles, as well as educating the rest of society on the very real and debilitating impacts of such conditions. Evgenia also shares the next steps for Freja - which is looking to pilot a corporate scheme, whereby companies who want to better support their staff living with reproductive health conditions, can work with Freja to share their stories.
