Into The Woods A Fairytale Christmas at Castle Howard

Ad - We visited on the opening day of Castle Howard's brand new Christmas event for 2022 - Into the Woods - A Fairytale Christmas
In the magnificent Baroque-style house we saw the most wonderful Christmas decorations that we have ever seen. They really have to be seen to be believed.
Please join us as we show you some of the highlights from our visit. It is a great festive day out for families and kids can burn off some energy in Skelf Island as well as be amazed by the sights and sounds in the house.
This event is on from the 12th October 2022 until the 2nd of January 2023.
#castlehoward #intothewoods #fairytalechristmas #christmasevent #northyorkshire #wheretogowithkids #dayout #christmasdayout
