In Conversation with Anne Mosle and Dele Olojede

The movie Civil War just opened in the number one spot in theaters across the United States. In countries and regions around the world, tensions are rising, civic bargains are fraying and the future is uncertain. In Conversation with Anne Mosle at the Aspen Institute invites Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Dele Olojede to help us draw lessons from the past that will help us navigate now.
Dele, a former Newsday foreign editor and celebrated journalist, had a front row seat 30 years ago to Nelson Mandela’s election to president, signaling the end of Apartheid in South Africa, and a violent genocide ravaging Rwanda. Both countries' paths since then offer us lessons as we consider the state of the world. We’ll explore what conversations we are avoiding, yet urgently need. How do leaders create conditions that spark critical conversations and rebuild human connection and trust? Where are the brightest innovations that restore hope and offer insight for how all of us are inextricably creating a new civic bargain and equitable social contract - one that we not only can live with, but are compelled to live by?
You are invited May 2 at 6:30pm for a thought-provoking conversation that calls for leaders to listen to what the world is calling them to do and draw on lessons from our history when answering that call.

