Imposter Syndrome Is A Scheme: Reshma Saujani’s Smith College Commencement Address

"This is something I’ve been wanting to say for a long time, and in this speech, I finally found the words," says Reshma Saujani, Smith College's 2023 Commencement keynote speaker.
On May 21, at Smith’s 145th Commencement, the gender equality activist and author said to the graduates, "People ask me all the time: how do I overcome imposter syndrome?"
"And honestly, I’m done answering that question. Because here’s the thing: imposter syndrome isn’t a syndrome at all - it’s a scheme."
Saujani, an attorney and founder of Girls Who Code and Moms First, questioned the notion that to achieve equality, women must adopt “tips and tricks” for individual self-improvement.
“It’s never really been about whether we’re qualified enough, or smart enough, or prepared enough,” said Saujani-the first Indian American woman to run for U.S. Congress. “Instead, it’s always been about the political, the financial, the cultural barriers that are designed to keep us out of those rooms in the first place.”
