IL-2 Great Battles || Battle of Stalingrad Career || Ep.13 - More Ground Attack!


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What is IL-2 Great Battles?
The new generation of IL-2 Sturmovik titles is developed by 1CGS and is a combat flight simulator of the World War II era and carries on the tradition created by the original IL-2 Sturmovik first released in 2001. Sturmovik recreates the aircraft, their use in the war and the environment they flew in. This latest product is a successor of the classic IL-2 Sturmovik that was a leader of the sim genre for more than 10 years. The new IL-2 is true to the ideas born by the first title with an accurate representation of aircraft and famous WWII battles.

Пікірлер: 95

  • @FearlessJames
    @FearlessJames Жыл бұрын

    I can't unsee the plane having a single eye with a little happy face from the front.

  • @TerminalLumbago3657


    Жыл бұрын

    I just noticed that too, now I’ll never be able to unsee it!

  • @kensai7


    Жыл бұрын

    A minion plane! :D

  • @GodfreyRaphael
    @GodfreyRaphael Жыл бұрын

    From the diary of Sergeant Isay Isaakovich Kirilenko Entry #16 There are days when our comrade pilots are clearly successful in their mission to destroy the enemy on the ground and they all come back in one piece. And then there are days like this in which while our comrades had succeeded in bombing the enemy's positions, they did not come away from those fights unscathed. Comrade Antonov took a flight of six or seven Yaks to the frontlines, to the sector held by the Romanians to be exact. They went on a ground attack mission to destroy Romanian artillery positions bombarding our lines, and it would appear that they succeeded in doing that. However, as I mentioned earlier, the flight didn't get away without a scratch. An anti-aircraft gun managed to hit the Moscow Menace himself, and to that I have to reluctantly give credit to the Romanians. The Germans have tried this many times and failed, but on the one time that Major Antonov flew over Romanian positions, he managed to get hit by their anti-air defenses. I heard that the Comrade Major took his revenge on the gun that he believed to be responsible for his machine's wounds, but in the heat of battle it surely must be nearly impossible to tell which gun was the one that hit you. But I will let the Major have his revenge in his mind and speak of this matter no further. The Comrade Major and his entire flight were able to make it back to friendly lines, thank goodness. I can’t say the same for their planes though. Comrade Musienko said that he was going to bail out of his aircraft just a kilometer or two away from the field, and with my binoculars I saw the parachute emerge from the sputtering Yak before the machine fell into some trees. At the same time, Comrade Antonov said that he was going in for a crash landing on the opposite side of Abganerovo village, claiming that his engine had seized up on him. When my men reached the site where his plane had gone down, Comrade Antonov was already out of his cockpit. His nose and mouth were bloody; apparently he had hit his gun sight upon impact. But apart from that, the Comrade Major was none the worse for wear, and I helped him into the truck that would carry him off to the field hospital. They probably already have his bed ready and waiting for him given the number of times he’s been injured in the line of duty. In the meantime, Captain Alexey Musienko, the other guy who bailed out, will be the acting commanding officer of the 9th GIAP until Comrade Antonov’s return. Here's hoping that all the men under Comrade Musienko’s command will keep coming back alive after their missions as well. ~ Entry dated 18 December 1942 (And the late entry from Episode 12) The squadron moved to another airfield yet again, some place called Abganerovo. Comrade Antonov’s first act as new commanding officer of the 9th GIAP was to literally lead the squadron to our new base in preparation for further attacks against the forces of the Rome-Berlin Axis trapped in Stalingrad. The airplanes and their pilots arrived at Abganerovo on the afternoon of the 11th, while the support crews (mechanics, armorers, and the anti-aircraft gunnery units like mine) followed a few days later. It might not have been the best idea to put our squadron in Abganerovo for this phase of the campaign given that the Germans had launched a new offensive in order to relieve their trapped comrades and our airfield is right in the path of one of their armies, but what do I know about these things? I am merely a sergeant of the Air Defense Forces. My superiors clearly know better. One positive that I heard the pilots joke about is that their missions no longer take as long for them to get to their operational area because their mission targets are now almost literally at our doorstep. The 9th GIAP had been conducting ground attack missions against the Germans ever since our relocation to Abganerovo, and Major Antonov had been leading some of those attacks himself. Their latest mission had seen the Comrade Major take a flight of eight machines to attack an enemy fortification to the southwest. I heard that they had succeeded in destroying three anti-aircraft guns, three machine guns, and a transport truck. Comrade Antonov’s flight then encountered a flight of German machines who had apparently also just completed a similar ground attack mission against our own units. We couldn’t actually see the dogfight itself but we did hear it somewhere in the distance, and at the end of it all, six German machines had been shot down at the cost of two of ours. Fortunately for us though, although we lost two Yak-1s, both pilots were able to jump out and land in friendly territory. Comrades Turov and Skvortsov will consider themselves lucky because, had they ended up in German-controlled territory, they could have been accused of treason had they been captured by the enemy. Speaking of captured enemies, we got our hands on a German pilot whose plane was shot down by none other than Comrade Antonov himself. The fellow looked to be only in his early 20s and had been roughed up by the Red Army unit that found him. We interrogated him through Vittmann, a Volga German whom we had managed to keep in our unit for this very purpose despite the removal of ethnic Germans from all Red Army units at the start of the fascist invasion. Commissar Yefimov asked the questions, and Vittmann translated them into German. Despite this, all we could learn from him was his name (Heinrich Brunner), rank (oberleutnant), and serial number. But I could sense the fear in young Brunner even as he continued repeating his name, rank, and serial number over and over again. His reward for his stubbornness? A one-way ticket to a labor camp in either Siberia or Kazakhstan courtesy of the NKVD. I try not to lose too much sleep over the fate of young Brunner. Had the tables been turned, I would be on my own way to a German labor camp, if I haven’t already been executed. Things right now are already bad enough as it is, but things could definitely be much worse. ~ Entry dated 15 December 1942

  • @thoralexander9387
    @thoralexander9387 Жыл бұрын

    Conversation among ground crew: "Those idiots are going to get Yuri killed! You can't outmanuever an AA Gun! Yet they keep sending him into enemy positions. You know as soon as those Krauts saw that red 34 they made him priority number 1. Every gun there turned on him." "Who can blame them, how would you like to be the one to shoot down a legend?" "At least it was just his plane this time. More hospital time, but a quick jeep ride from base, but what about next time?" "Well, you know Yuri, if he's going to die, he'll make them earn it."

  • @notfeedynotlazy


    Жыл бұрын

    also "Damn it! He gets all the HOTSU medals AND all the nurses!"

  • @IrishCarney
    @IrishCarney Жыл бұрын

    Three Hero of the Soviet Union medals. Incredible. Like getting the Knight's Cross WITH Oak Leaves AND Swords.

  • @Mrkiller2824
    @Mrkiller2824 Жыл бұрын

    Long time lurker and absolutely love the channel! Thanks for the hours of entertaining content! One thing I noticed was during your turns you were out of coordination. I'm not sure if you already know this so if you do, feel free to ignore this. Otherwise (and for anyone curious) there is an instrument that will tell you how to keep your turns and maneuvers coordinated. The instrument that is in the center of the main panel is called the Turn Coordinator. That tells you your bank angle (needle that swings left and right, white ticks are likely 30 or 45 degree bank) and your coordination (the black ball inside the level). The trick to this is to always (unless you're doing a slip) keep the ball in the center. That will maximize your turns, climbs, and overall flight efficiency. The rule of thumb to remember is to "step on the ball." So if the ball is left of center, you need more left rudder. If the ball is right of center, more right rudder. If you have left rudder in and the ball is right of center you need less left rudder. From a physics perspective this will ensure that your lift vector is directly out the bottom of the plane thus giving you maximum performance of the wings and airframe. I have no idea if this makes any difference because I don't know the modeling level of these characteristics in game. You might be able to test this by putting the aircraft into a slip. Go full rudder one direction and alieron the opposite, while slightly nosing down to prevent a stall. You're rate of decent should rapidly increase but your airspeed remain relatively constant. I'm basing this off real life pilot experience so take it all with a grain of salt when it comes to the game. However if it is modeled well then it may help give you an edge in dogfights and bombing runs!

  • @AtomickPhoenix


    Жыл бұрын

    TIL; thank you for this newfound knowledge good sir or ma’am idk

  • @adferxis


    2 ай бұрын

    Golden tidbit of knowledge

  • @Quickturealeyes
    @Quickturealeyes Жыл бұрын

    Your bomb-dropping skills have definitely improved. Always good to see progression.

  • @bpw102896
    @bpw102896 Жыл бұрын

    Yuri has destroyed so so many of his own aircraft at this point I imagine command is somewhat unhappy with him

  • @razorback20


    Жыл бұрын

    High command can only blame themselves, IMHO. They sent Yuri way too often on air combat missions with a fliying coffin Lagg-3. And now that he upgraded to a fast, nimble but less rugged Yak, they send him mostly on ground attack missions. Not really a clever move...

  • @musicloverandclassicalmusi698
    @musicloverandclassicalmusi698 Жыл бұрын

    If ground attacks are all you're getting now in missions, then it seems that the Luftwaffe has been severely depleted, with Yuri contributing the most to this result of course And yeah, Yuri seems to be doing very good at being squadron leader, I can see him commanding air groups pretty soon should he survive

  • @thefunnyguyfromtheburgerki3334
    @thefunnyguyfromtheburgerki3334 Жыл бұрын

    Yuri has caught so much lead at this point that he'll probably just die or fly off if he goes anywhere near a large magnet

  • @whatisaiming306


    Жыл бұрын

    I'm surprised he hasn't died of lead poisoning yet

  • @dustingagnecleroux6767
    @dustingagnecleroux6767 Жыл бұрын

    I absolutely love this series! Amazing job Wolfpack. Yuri is basically the hero of the Soviet Union at this point😂

  • @zanaduz2018


    Жыл бұрын

    Considering he has earned that award 3 times now when being awarded it once was impressive…

  • @someguardsman
    @someguardsman Жыл бұрын

    Glad to see Yuri survived another sortie, hope to see him back in the air before long. Thank you for all the work you put into these Wolfpack, always a pleasure to see you upload!

  • @Wolfpack345


    Жыл бұрын

    Thank you so much! I will have more IL-2 content out soon!

  • @TheRaptorXX
    @TheRaptorXX Жыл бұрын

    Sir, I've devlepoed a rather uncomfortable sore on one of my caucuses! I am confined to quarters so am out of action for 24 hours. Here's hoping that Boris has stopped enthusing quite so much over Uranus and can sort out your Yak for you Sir... Salut Comrade Antonov! Staff Szt. Raptowsyak.

  • @banditdelta7172
    @banditdelta7172 Жыл бұрын

    3 Heroes of the Soviet Union?! GAAHHHDAMN

  • @GaldirEonai


    Жыл бұрын

    There weren't a lot of people IRL with multiple HOTSUs. Most of those that existed got at least some of theirs for reasons other than combat, and a significant amount of recipients got theirs posthumously. Three frontline combat HOTSUs awarded while alive...if Yuri had been real he would have been somebody even Stalin's inner circle would have had to tread _very_ carefully around. We're talking "can kick Lavrentiy Beria in the balls on red square in broad daylight and get away with it" levels of prestige here. For the record, Marshall Zhukov ended his career with four, only two of which were actually won on the battlefield.

  • @aceofspadesattorney


    Жыл бұрын

    @@GaldirEonai Or we could be talking “at the end of the war just so happens to disappear by manner or Stalin” levels of prestige-Zhukov’s entire career effectively ended due to being too much of a threat to the Soviet government.

  • @Atesz222
    @Atesz222 Жыл бұрын

    From your voice I hear you're through some cold or other sickness. I hope you're feeling better and it wasn't heavy on you. Almost everyone I know (me included) is going through that lately

  • @FlyingNutcase
    @FlyingNutcase Жыл бұрын

    Your campaign series is a fun watch. You were playing with fire going back for the AA gun here. Good luck, stay alive!

  • @TerminalLumbago3657
    @TerminalLumbago3657 Жыл бұрын

    Damn, near the end I almost thought it was the end for Yuri

  • @Silverhks


    Жыл бұрын

    Yeah, I much prefer to hit the silk. Even if they have increased the survivability of crash landings.

  • @jonqueller4444
    @jonqueller4444 Жыл бұрын

    Ouch, gotta be careful and watch out for the pesky German AA! Can't have a repeat of what happened in your Nieuport series!

  • @systemshocker7634
    @systemshocker7634 Жыл бұрын

    Yuri! Thanks for the Il-2 content.

  • @Wolfpack345


    Жыл бұрын

    More to come!

  • @stephenmiller195
    @stephenmiller195 Жыл бұрын

    Great video again comrade, great bombing, thanks 🙏

  • @BullGator-kd6ge
    @BullGator-kd6ge Жыл бұрын

    Seeing the title and I’m already getting flashbacks to the Mustang campaign.

  • @beardedphobos5211
    @beardedphobos5211 Жыл бұрын

    Great video just wanted to say thank you for the great content

  • @AtomickPhoenix
    @AtomickPhoenix Жыл бұрын

    Really lookin forward to seein more of Yuri soon! Love these series’s!

  • @jackhughes1741
    @jackhughes1741 Жыл бұрын

    How does Yuri even get up in the air with all those medals?

  • @Planefan1000


    Жыл бұрын

    He puts them in his pocket, duh

  • @tedarcher9120
    @tedarcher9120 Жыл бұрын

    I hope Yuri gets transferred to a La-5 regiment after hospital!

  • @Boyleontheloose
    @Boyleontheloose Жыл бұрын

    A small case of instrument-face can't take down a machine like Yuri

  • @Gaboon777
    @Gaboon777 Жыл бұрын

    Another great video Wolfpack!

  • @mikhailmaksimov9777
    @mikhailmaksimov9777 Жыл бұрын

    In 2 weeks I watched every preceding episode, including battle of Moscow, and finally I am here!

  • @usernameunavailable816
    @usernameunavailable816 Жыл бұрын

    These ground attack missions are dangerous. Nice work on the impromptu landing

  • @Breakfast_of_Champions
    @Breakfast_of_Champions Жыл бұрын

    Give us some IL-2 Tank Crew as well please!

  • @tefras14
    @tefras14 Жыл бұрын

    Bittersweet victory i guess. At least you survived to take revenge on them for denting your airframe

  • @DuckFartTV
    @DuckFartTV Жыл бұрын

    Yay!! Nice belly landing!

  • @Flyboy_Gospel
    @Flyboy_Gospel Жыл бұрын

    Would love to see a career with Battle of Normandy with you playing as a British or American airman.

  • @acebone2
    @acebone28 ай бұрын

    These videos are great. Btw. if you exhaust flame is blue, your fuelmix is to lean. It should be a nice warm orange. If it's red, the mix is too rich.

  • @arthurcrego8297
    @arthurcrego8297 Жыл бұрын

    Hurrah a good one for sure in my estimation

  • @GumMagnum
    @GumMagnum Жыл бұрын

    I cant wait for the next video :D

  • @Ostwind1944_
    @Ostwind1944_ Жыл бұрын

    Have you ever thought of a PWCG campaign? There is some more variety in missions and more realistic missions.

  • @Bagration421


    Жыл бұрын

    Agree the debrief at the end and the fact that you have to indicate your own battle report is awesome

  • @Wolfpack345


    Жыл бұрын

    My Me-262 career was with PWCG

  • @superjuca55
    @superjuca55 Жыл бұрын

    Your comrades apparently missed their bomb drops, all of them. Or they are victims of the AI bug where if they don't follow the mission waypoints very precisely (player must use full autopilot if they are lead) they become completely unresponsive and fail to attack, either ground forces or air targets. You also probably made this crash landing after the latest update, before it was pretty much suicide to try it. Even the softest landings could be fatal. I'd rather bail out even nowadays. Just make sure to quit the mission before you get close to the ground if you parachute above a forrest or are close to any clump of trees, 99% mortality rate as well.

  • @jonqueller4444


    Жыл бұрын

    Wait, they fixed the landing bug where if u clipped some grass, u die?

  • @superjuca55


    Жыл бұрын

    @@jonqueller4444 Yes, just a couple days ago a made a crash landing and survived. Very soft on an I-16, got hurt but lived. On a quick mission, of course, no way I'm risking a pilot on a pilot career.

  • @davegoodridge8352
    @davegoodridge8352 Жыл бұрын

    Yuri is one tough Soviet

  • @Shark7532
    @Shark7532 Жыл бұрын

    Quality thumbnail, quality vid!

  • @kleinerfarmer1
    @kleinerfarmer1 Жыл бұрын

    so that is what it needs for Yuri to not bounce the landing ^^

  • @DeathlySilent92
    @DeathlySilent92 Жыл бұрын

    Hey Wolfpack, are you planning on doing some content with the new Churchill MkIV? Would love to see some new ground-based videos!

  • @hornet5860
    @hornet5860 Жыл бұрын

    What plan do you fly in this mission? Great Video.

  • @kot1pelto
    @kot1pelto Жыл бұрын

    Should gain some altitude so you can glide back.

  • @tedarcher9120
    @tedarcher9120 Жыл бұрын

    Greed strikes again lol! Would have made it back 100% but for that aa strafe

  • @notfeedynotlazy
    @notfeedynotlazy Жыл бұрын

    I count 66 kill bonuses. Nice doubles.

  • @crown7639
    @crown7639 Жыл бұрын

    So the wound stripes are only introduced in 42. I noticed I don’t get them in battle of Moscow

  • @berserkerpride
    @berserkerpride Жыл бұрын

    I'd almost bail rather than try to crashland. Too much chance of a weird bounce killing the pilot. Good luck for Yuri though.

  • @Canary998
    @Canary998 Жыл бұрын

    @WolfPack345 I am unaware so if you already have this video disregard, but is it possible for you to do an in depth keybinding video for this game? I just got my HOTAS and would love to see what binds you run. Thanks!

  • @foreverpinkf.7603
    @foreverpinkf.7603 Жыл бұрын

    Nice belly landing. Curious, what will happen next.

  • @sz1zo2137
    @sz1zo2137 Жыл бұрын

    Hey Wolf, what are you using to play IL2 ? I'm thinking about getting the game for a long time now but I wanna know what is required for the best experience

  • @aciiks
    @aciiks Жыл бұрын

    Finally :)

  • @jamesTBurke
    @jamesTBurke Жыл бұрын

    Looks like if you didn't turn off you might've just barely made the airfield

  • @lucyfrye5365
    @lucyfrye5365 Жыл бұрын

    I don't know which version to buy. There are so many IL-2 titles. Is there like a complete edition with all the expansions rolled into one big game?

  • @LexieAssassin
    @LexieAssassin Жыл бұрын

    Admittedly, I'm not very familiar, but I'm curious why you decided to crash land vs bailing out? I'd've thought when the engine quit you could've used your remaining airspeed to climb a fair bit and then bail out.

  • @screamingcactus1753


    Жыл бұрын

    Bailing is generally a last resort thing. If a landing a feasible, even if it's not under ideal circumstances, it's generally safer than attempting to bail.

  • @pasha21363


    Жыл бұрын

    @@screamingcactus1753 and you will lose a plane if you bailout also what's cool about the IL-2 Great Battles is wounded mechanic in normal IL-2 sturmovik you won't see it but in this game you will see it if you get hit the screen will go darker

  • @robertkalinic335


    8 ай бұрын

    Gliding controllable plane is better than parachute, better question to ask would be why he didnt deploy his landing gear. Belly landing guarantees radiator damage and possible death if plane starts spinning. Not using flaps in no power emergency is i believe standard procedure but not using landing gear was either just for show or mistake.

  • @Alexravnsbo
    @Alexravnsbo Жыл бұрын

    Does somebody know if he still uses headtracking or VR?

  • @thegamingocelot
    @thegamingocelot Жыл бұрын

    Any possibility of seeing Yuri flying a p-40 for a mission in the future?

  • @benwyness148


    Жыл бұрын

    Sadly wolf plans to stick with russian made aircraft for yuri's whole career

  • @jonqueller4444


    Жыл бұрын

    I don't think P-40s were commonly used than yak-1s during stalingrad

  • @davidspencer8373
    @davidspencer8373 Жыл бұрын

    Like video

  • @TheBest-gb5wt
    @TheBest-gb5wt Жыл бұрын

    I don’t know if you know how to fix this problem or not. Whenever I am trying to play Il-2 battle of Stalingrad whenever I am in a flight the game pops up with a white box in the center. What should I do?

  • @HunterTeddy010
    @HunterTeddy010 Жыл бұрын

    Why no landing gear?

  • @scroch6512
    @scroch6512 Жыл бұрын

    Why is there a picture of Aleksandra Samusenko on the dashboard of the plane you're flying?

  • @notfeedynotlazy


    Жыл бұрын


  • @Zulgurub
    @Zulgurub Жыл бұрын

    Oof, poor Yuri

  • @Planefan1000
    @Planefan1000 Жыл бұрын

    What does the Russian text on the engine at 7:56 mean in English? [Летчику при вынужденной посадке открыть боковой капот]

  • @robinraphael
    @robinraphael Жыл бұрын

    pretty lucky flying rt over flack cannons and making it home in one piece! I would try a no sec bomb fuse and drop from a higher elevation. (Might need some practice but it should work out with the same ratio of hits or better vs the skip bombing method) just a nice suggestion not saying you have to

  • @noahpaquet8357
    @noahpaquet8357 Жыл бұрын

    More Yuri!! Uraaaaa!

  • @copee2960
    @copee2960 Жыл бұрын

    What's the Russian for Lucky...cause that's your new name ha ha.

  • @rodneymiller5086
    @rodneymiller5086 Жыл бұрын

    Obligatory algorithm comment

  • @beatleszink04
    @beatleszink04 Жыл бұрын

    Day 1 of asking for submarine combat in cold waters.

  • @jamesgriffiths7588


    Жыл бұрын

    Check the back-catalog my guy, that should keep you occupied for a while. If you manage to exhaust that, work your way through the SH3 and SH4 careers/stories. Enjoy :)

  • @beatleszink04


    Жыл бұрын

    @@jamesgriffiths7588 I allready did watch every video
