IFFR 2014 Grand Talk - Peter Sloterdijk & Andrei Ujica - Fall of the Romanov Dynasty

Peter Sloterdijk and Andrei Ujica on The fall of the Romanovs
For its Grand Talks the IFFR 2014 invited a selection of European thinkers to shed light on the state of the continent and European themes that occupy them. Stimulating, challenging and unpredictable, with the screening of a European classic movie. On Saturday February 1, 2014 it was the Russian 1927 film 'The Fall of the Romanov Dynasty' by Esfir Shub.
In the aftermath, German philosopher Peter Sloterdijk, writer of 'In the World Interior of Capital: Towards a Philosophical Theory of Globalization' and Romanian director Andrei Ujica maker of 'Videograms of a revolution' discussed the events depicted in the film as well as the film's complex historical backgrounds.
The recording of the event on video is a production of Film-for-People.
Peter Sloterdijk en Andrei Ujica over 'De val van de Romanovs'
In vier Grand Talks nodigde het IFFR een bijzondere selectie aan Europese denkers uit om hun licht te laten schijnen over de staat van het continent en Europese thema's die hen en ons bezighouden. Prikkelend, uitdagend en onvoorspelbaar, met de vertoning van een Europese klassieke film. Zaterdag 1 februari 2014 was dat de Russische film uit 1927 'The Fall of the Romanov Dynasty' van Esther Shub.
Na afloop gingen de Duitse cultuurcriticus Peter Sloterdijk en de Roemeense regisseur Andrei Ujica in op de film en op haar complexe historische achtergronden.
De videoregistratie van het gesprek is geproduceerd door Film-for-People.
Producer: Ronald Glasbergen
Camera: Rick Messemaker, Rolf Versteegh
Edit: Rolf Versteegh

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  • @pietypietduhpiouspoet6408
    @pietypietduhpiouspoet640810 жыл бұрын

    see below, google non results for all variations of "earmarking rights for taxpayer" (and suspicious at that ... other stuff goes on almost immediately ... they obviously handpick me over and over .... and have ever since i roamed turtle island in a crisscross manner .. long before i was halfway done there) "taxpayer earmarking rights" = 0 "taxpayer earmark rights" = 0 "earmarking rights of taxpayer" = 0 "earmarking rights for taxpayer" = 0 i happen to think EARMARKING RIGHTS FOR TAXPAYERS (Taxpayer Earmarking Rights TER)# are, if not THE best, certainly ONE OF the gentlest ways to break up over extended centers where centralizers concentrate*, slowly phase out politician, that is to say, obsolesce lying cause bribable blow( high off the tower = Dutch proverb )jobbers. # TER kinda sum up what certain libertarians and classical liberty / freedom literati of the previous century called 'emission rights' (now applied to nitrogenous waste rates in the Dutch duocultural belt (bible and dairy pasture '1 2tje') ... there was a brief time (of cultural flowering[*]), when this was applied statemanship, provincial and municipal knowledge, yes totally stackable, scalable (up and down) and fit for harmonious integration. * and before you know it big banks turn into giant gambling houses uses their trusting clientele and mobilizable 'reserves' as the stakes to increase their everything but .. iow, less and less voluntarizing influence sphere [*] which promptly overshot it's goal and caused young men to be collected by 'talent hunters ... or rather chased from ancestral grounds which the targetters had an eye on for looting 'purposes' which couldn't very well succeed if they let native born sons there in peace there. So drum, froth and trump up a lying 'remotating' form of patriotism and make sure the 'border' is far away and violent enough to have them fail to return hail. It's remarkable how few the exceptions really are; Ken O'Keefe ... doesn't understand my form of pacifism enforcement though ... same goes for Alain Soral in Paris, grown up with kids of the guys who my father's generation lured north with lucrative employment ... or at least satisfying to a renunciatorily motivated migrant worker, sacrificing his life for a homefront he feels for and keenly from across even very large distance. In any case, SECCESSION will increase competition, de-escalate and localize competition .. cut off the march towards a deadon collision with the 'overtreffende trap', keep lootpiles at less tempting sizes AND withing easier (over)sight and reach of those who collect, bundle and present them in the first place. Ukraine could break up into 10 countries and thrive as easily and surely as Holland could. Water quality in the latter, where i am, is atrocious due to diabolic cornercutting insensitivities to degeneracy (stopgap crisis actionfigure management under gvt [DIS]functionaries foaming at the mouth for and striving towards the 'state of exception'( = 'exeptional states' = apart from, exempt from, over and above the state ... see famous Carl Schmidt = the dicktoteraill' type free = what they want to see their executive power be, kind of like free trade on steroids), ...
