I Will Finish What I started

Фильм және анимация

Hello family,
Greetings in Jesus name. Dear ones, may you be encouraged by this message.
I was before the Lord confessing my sins,
Lord began to speak and asked me,
To write down my list of sins,
I began,
I fear sinning, I fear deception I have seen so much Lord,
Lord replied.
Have I left you didn't I speak to you?
Lord, can you trust me I am selfish, too much concerned about myself, I care less about others, when someone crosses me I cannot tolerate, I get offended I feel competitive in fact I can hurt them by stopping them it's envy yes it can turn to hatred,
Lord chimed in,
My dove there is more you don't know still,
I continued,
There is rancor, calumny, bitterness, I am jealous of someone's growth success, I get ambitious I hate being corrected. I am resentful against you, hateful I like to elevate myself; I love to hear praises I blame others that they take advantage of others
Jahnavi, Lord replied Don't be afraid, all this is true, it's who are you in real terms, don't be afraid I already know, I know who you are don't sit condemn, Son of man didn't come to condemn but to save.
You are full of bitterness dear I have saved you for a good purpose, all you saw is in you the sin you are examining. I know it already still I love you that's the prove of My love, I know all I want to tell you My dear nothing is hidden in Me, your hatred for Me for different things, your anger towards others and Me, I know it how it flares up from time to time, I didn't heal that's the reason you dissent Me. My dear, My ways are different, rather humbling and trusting Me. You hated yourself of your shortcomings and faults and sins and vices. Your lack of understanding of who I am is causing you this distrust in you.
My dear, I love you; you listed your faults. I died for you, for your sins on cross, that’s where you need to believe, You want to be holy and free, My dove I came to give freedom. My dear, you suffer on account of your sins, it has caused you to question My desire for you to be healed.
My dear, I am refining you, so you know My love and trust Me continually, I have chosen you not to leave you I am faithful, what I started I will finish, I know My own, they know Me, you are Mine, I will do My will in you, so trust Me and continually do My will, it is My will that you suffer on account of your sins, I want you to know My ways, My healing My love and when you will be done, you will guide others, you will teach others, that's My desire, dear, trust Me.
I will heal when time comes, I know it's hard but still trust Me, dear, and keep on looking on cross, where I died have faith, I am there for you. That was the end of Jesus message.
Be blessed! Family. Amen!

