I Met an Incredible Man Yesterday at the Grave of George Jones Saturday 6/29/24

I met this man yesterday at Woodlawn Cemetery in Nashville. I wanted to visit George Jones Grave, but when I got there I noticed this guy standing in front of his grave with a piece of paper and pencil, and putting the paper on the stone and tracing something. I finally gave up on waiting for him to leave and just walked up there to visit the grave. I decided to ask him what he was doing and he explained it to me. It's really pretty cool what he does. He travels around the country, tracing deceased musicians' graves onto a record album sleeve and exhibits them at museums. In his exhibits, he adds a regular picture of the departed and facts about their lives. Right now, his work is hanging in a museum in Missouri. He took my phone number and texted me a link to an article about what he does. His name is John Wegrzyn. I think what he does is so creative. Here is the link to the article he sent me so you can read it for yourself. You sure can run into the neatest people when you visit cemeteries:

