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Huck Yeah! #3 - True Twin Shape: Deep Dive

In this video we go into more depth about the true twin shape, look at some of the popular models, and discuss what it is that makes a true twin special, and where you're going to get the most out of it. A true twin has lots of advantages over a directional or directional twin, and we start think about how shape related to riding and whether or not a true twin is going to be the right shape for you.
We answer some core questions about true twins to try and dismistify some of the discussion around it, and hopefully give you a better grasp on what makes a true twin a good or poor choice for your next purchase.
Sure, it's a bit waffly and it goes on too long but I think there's some good content here. Though if you think I'm talking crap then please let me know down below.
Thanks for watching.
