
花香 The fragrance of the Flower 謝誌豪 詞曲|蔡昱姍 編曲
This sentimental Taiwanese ballad describes the feeling between a mother and her adult child who leaves home to pursue his dream. The lyrics describe years of nurturing of a loving mother to her child like the caring of floral growth. The mother worries continuously for the young adult’s struggles and obstacles in a new environment while she patiently waits for his return. When he matures and finally returns home, she is no longer there to appreciate his accomplishments. Although the flower now blossoms, there is no one to appreciate the scent as the presence of his mother is sorely missed.
離開彼一暗 會記得故鄉的花香
I still remember the fragrance of the flowers on the night I left my hometown.
微微啊天未光 伊就起床來顧花叢
Before the sunrise, she had already woken to take care of the flower shrubs.
不曾一句怨嘆 搖阮大漢
Never a single word of complaint, she took care of me till I grew up
Caring about me suffering from the storm in a foreign land
離土的花叢 為一個夢
Like an unearthed flower, just for the sake of a dream,
人茫茫 海也茫茫
She looked through the people and the sea
伊惦惦塊等 阮返來彼工
Waiting quietly for me to come back
花蕊漸漸紅 伊惦惦塊等
The flowers gradually turned red, but she was still quietly waiting there.
看無伊的人 像海上船啊找無帆
Still, she couldn’t find me, just like a ship on the sea unable to see another piece of canvas.
行過這多冬 嘛看透人情的冷暖
After so many years, she has seen through the warmth and coldness of human relationships
故鄉彼條小巷 如今猶原
The small alley in my hometown is still there
The difference is that she isn’t waiting for me when I return
無人惜花叢 花哪會香
If a flower is not cared for, where does its fragrance come from?
世間阿母 攏共款
All mothers in the world do the same for their children.
誰人塊叫著我 甘是阿母的聲
Who is calling me? Is it the sound of my mother,
Like the sound of my hometown that is calling me constantly?
伊未擱等置彼 不敢來哭出聲
She is no longer waiting there, no longer weeping there
叫阮寶貝心肝 有閒就緊返來看我
Calling me the darling of her heart, longing for me to come back to see her if I have the time.
伊惦惦塊等 阮返來彼工
She quietly waited there for the day I would come back.
花蕊漸漸紅 伊已經遙遠
But when the flowers finally turned red, she also faded away.
