How to STOP Prediabetes from Turning into Diabetes

Prediabetes is a condition where blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be classified as type 2 diabetes. So, the person is somewhere between normal and diabetic. This happens when the body isn’t able to use insulin properly, leading to higher-than-normal blood sugar levels. This is called insulin resistance. Insulin is the hormone responsible for keeping your blood sugar levels within normal range. If there’s problems with insulin, then your blood sugar levels will be elevated. There’re many risk factors that increase the person’s likelihood of becoming prediabetic then developing diabetes. Some of these risk factors include obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, family history of diabetes and age where those over 45 years are commonly affected. Do these risk factors apply to you? Well, have no worries. Luckly, with adequate lifestyle modifications and medical management, prediabetes can usually be reversed back to normal and its progression to type 2 diabetes is prevented. This is why in this video, we will reveal to you How to Stop Prediabetes from Turning into Diabetes.
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