How to Handle Ghosting When It Comes to Dating? | IamClinic

Iamclinic provides practical advice on navigating the challenging experience of being ghosted in the realm of dating. Learn strategies to cope with the emotional impact, reflect on the situation, and prioritize self-care
0:00 Introduction
0:08 ADHD Comparison
0:10 When we see someone with ADHD procrastinate
0:18 What we don't realize about ADHD is procrastination
0:30 Ghosting Comparison
0:38 So, we're willing to just walk away from the situation
0:51 Advice for Future Relationships
0:56 For the sake of your future relationships
1:05 Push through them gently so that over time, you can get comfortable
1:14 This way, when you're in a long-term relationship
1:26 If you find yourself ghosting, take it as a sign that you need a little bit of practice.
