How Much Will It Cost? (Winter Park, Florida) Experienced Florida attorneys Lanigan and Lanigan provide clients with extensive knowledge and courtroom skill in business and civil litigation.
Eric Lanigan and Roddy Lanigan answer the number one question asked by clients: how much will it cost?
The Lanigans will give you that answer and a clear estimate and apply an hourly rate so that you have some projections.
The hourly rate varies by case. For example, if you have a highly complex securities losses case that's been going on for a long time vs. a Chapter 7 bankruptcy the fee structure will vary.
For a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, there will be a general cost to execute a normal, standard bankruptcy.
But in the securities losses case, because there are many unknowns, there will be an hourly rate and a projected estimate provided to the client based on the number of hours expected to be involved.
If you come in to have a contract written, there will be a cost based on the time it takes to write the contract. But if you have a breach of contract that requires a lawsuit, there's no way to know exactly what it will cost to resolve.
Legal costs vary as any service does. So when the Lanigans explain that the legal cases cost as much as they’ll cost it’s because every case is different and there is NO way to know how a case will evolve or end.
No amount of preparation, no amount of planning, knowing the law can predict how a judge and jury will respond to a case. There’s no slam dunk in legal situations.
Any attorney who tells you that there is a sure and set fee for a case? Run from that office. You may certainly get a set hourly rate from a lawyer, but when a case begins, an estimate is the honest amount expected but it may change based on the twists and turns in the case.
It’s like asking who’s going to win the game? Who’s going to win the fight? Well, unless the other side forfeits, or drops their gloves, you could be in for a long battle.
If you’re wrong in a business action for something that you really did and all evidence points to that, will you negotiate and settle the case or will you fight it? Only you and your attorney working together may decide the direction and thus the costs involved.
A lawyer cannot predict exact costs. This is why 99% of cases in Florida settle. The cost of a long legal battle in a courtroom is very expensive. The Lanigans are negotiators and mediators and in some cases the Lanigans will be able to mitigate losses. If a client has no chance in a lawsuit, the Lanigans will know and will be able to tell the client what the options are.
Ultimately, the decision is made by the client. The Lanigans execute the case based on what a client wants to do knowing all the legal options available to them.
Eric A. Lanigan and Roddy B. Lanigan have practiced law since 1976 and 2007, respectively. Together the Lanigans provide clients superior legal representation with a personal touch.
Florida attorneys Roddy Lanigan and Eric Lanigan are a father and son law firm that provide clients with extensive knowledge and courtroom skill in business and civil litigation.
The Lanigans practice in the following areas:
Asset Protection
Business & Civil Litigation
Business Reorganization
Business Workouts
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Corporate Reorganization
Mortgage Workouts
Real Estate Litigation
Real Estate Transactions
Securities & Investment Losses & Fraud
White Collar Appeals
White Collar Criminal Defense
If you're in the midst of a complex business, real estate, mortgage, or financial situation that needs legal direction call Lanigan and Lanigan at 407-740-7379.
Please call to set an appointment to meet with Eric Lanigan or Roddy Lanigan and find out from experienced attorneys what your options are.
The offices of Lanigan and Lanigan are located at 831 W. Morse Blvd., (Winter Park, Florida) 32789.
