How Large Law Firms Overcharge for Trademark Services

If you are an in-house counsel hiring outside counsel for trademark services, there's an extremely high chance you're overpaying for those services.
There are two main ways that large law firms typically overcharge for trademark services.
1. The first way is during the actual trademark search process. This is because firms will pay an outside provider to conduct a search and then spend several hours writing an opinion for you. At our firm, we charge a flat fee to do all the searching in-house using a professional-grade software with experienced trademark searchers.
2. The second way that large firms tend to overcharge for trademark services is by filing trademark applications that are not technically sufficient to meet USPTO requirements. Once an insufficient application is filed, any office actions you receive are billable time for your attorney to respond to. At our firm, we offer a flat rate to file an application and to handle any necessary responses.
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