How I do dagger grinds,


Hi Everyone, feeling very inspired by ‪@skyeeilersknives3256‬ tips and tricks he shared within the group a few weeks ago.
I want to continue this trend of sharing techniques to help better the community.
This is a small video on how I approach dagger grinding (double edges items)
Please keep in mind this Is a beginner process I'm doing for a specific task, this process may change and or be not relevant to #blacksmith #knifemaking #knife certain types of blades.
Also keep in mind that I filmed this late at night 😂
1. Cover all surfaces with layout dye or a wide permanent maker.
2. begin measuring out and marking your scribe lines and most importantly your centreline.
3.use any rough worn out belt to begin grinding off your sharp 90 degrees edges (using a new belt usually strips of the all the grit 😜) this point begin the change of angle on the belt to 45 degrees as mentioned in the video and change to a fresh belt starting at the base of the blade and working up.
5. continue grinding the bevels with a fresh 36 grit belt , working on the opposing faces on one side of the blade and then the other, ( making sure you have a ruler handy to check the thicknesses)
6. As you get closer to the centreline, swapping to a 120 grit belt and lowering the speed if you can will allow the bevels and centreline to become more flat and crisp.
7. Finally, work back to the tip of the blade now that all you lines and faces are dialled in, you can continue working up the belt grits 120, 240, 400 , 800
thanks again for watching #meetup

