Holdsworth - Jumbo - Tarn Ridge - Mitre Peak - Holdsworth

Climbing Mitre Peak (1571 meters) in the The Tararua Ranges has been a goal for a long time and this weekend I ticked it off. Conditions couldn’t have been better with windless days, crisp underfoot and just a whisper of high cloud.
It’s hard to describe the feeling of being in such huge, unforgiving country. The sense of achievement of climbing one peak is quickly replaced by the reality that an even bigger one is looming in front of you. The Broken Axe Pinnacles and The Three Kings won’t be forgotten for a long time!
No human contact for 2.5 days, physically demanding, incredible views and sunrises, a huge sense of achievement - this trip had it all!
Track times:
Holdsworth to Jumbo Hut: 4 hours
Jumbo to Mid King: 4 hours
Mid King to Tarn Ridge Hut: 3 hours, 5 min
Tarn Ridge to Mitre Peak: 2 hours, 30 min
Peak to Mitre Flats Hut: 2 hours, 15 mins
Hut to Holdsworth: 5 hours

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