HIRED | Australian New Grad Nurse Interview for Emergency Department

Real Q&A from a hired new grad nurse. These are the real interview answers she gave from her practice session with a hospital interviewer at a top 10 U.S. hospital.
She got the job! Tell her thank you for sharing her answers! We decided to not show video of her speaking to respect her religious practices. It was very fun learning from her the differences between nursing in Australia vs the US.
Ward = Unit/floor
Nil by mouth = NPO
LASSIE approach = Australian de escalation strategy
A to E assessment = Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, and Exposure
BGL = Blood Glucose Level (3.5 - 7.8 mmol/L)
Vital observations = Vital signs
MET Call = Rapid Response/ Code Blue
MSE = Mental Status Examination
Neuro obs = Neuro observation
Staff assist button = call button
iSoBAR handover = Identify, situation, observations, background, agreed plan, and readback
Australasian Triage Scale = Clinical tool used to establish the maximum waiting time for medical assessment and treatment of a patient. Helps determine when to call MET Call.
Resuscitation trolley = Crash cart
COMPLETE Questions List:
Discount code: KZread
00:00 Intro/ Tell me About Yourself
03:29 A Time You Provided Compassionate Care
07:17 The Difficult Patient Question
10:04 Clinical Scenarios
The information in this video has been de identified and parts of stories have been removed or changed to protect patient privacy. This is not medical advice and this channel does not provide medical advice. For medical guidance, please see your physician. The information in this video is not associated with or representative of the views of any hospital, school, or organization. The information in this video is for the purposes of helping nurses learn how to participate in interviews in a professional manner while prioritizing patient respect and safety.

