Highlights: The People’s Voice: Accelerating Civil Society Action towards CHOGM 2024


At their June 2022 meeting in Rwanda, Commonwealth Heads of Government renewed their individual and collective commitment to free and democratic societies and the promotion of peace. They also addressed critical issues facing all Commonwealth countries including climate change, sustainable development, youth empowerment, gender equality, and economic resilience. Heads of Government also agreed on reforms that are needed to modernise the Commonwealth and improve its governance.
The Commonwealth People’s Forum-held just before the leaders’ meeting and involving civil society leaders from right across the Commonwealth-expanded on these themes, also taking up key issues such as health justice and freedom of expression.
With just 12 months until the next Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting and People’s Forum, how can Member States, the Commonwealth and civil society work together to advance commitments and accelerate action to address global challenges around health, the environment, and economic justice to build a resilient and sustainable future? The Foundation hosted this Critical Conversation to bridge the journey from Rwanda 2022 to Samoa 2024. The event considers what progress has been made on the Peoples’ Forum outcomes and explores the lessons learned and what more needs to be done around resilience, collaboration, and ownership from local and national level actions taken on the issues of health justice, climate justice, freedom of expression, and Commonwealth reform. It examines the needs of civil society as they take the lead in accelerating action and maintaining momentum for change.
This Critical Conversation marks the official launch of a series of Commonwealth-wide and regional conversations, leading up to Samoa 2024. The goal of the event is to provide a structured space for Commonwealth civil society to affirm their shared goals and determine what needs to be done over the next year so that CHOGM and the People’s Forum make a positive contribution to advancing the values and principles of the Commonwealth Charter.
Victoria Rubadiri
Audrey Brown-Pereira
Malaika Uwamahoro
Tijani Christian
Nuong Faalong
Brianna Fruean
Dr Ravi P. Rannan-Eliya
Fatou Jagne Senghore
Harjeet Singh
Kavindya Thennakoon
Dr Rispah Walumbe

