Her Fearless Mindset | journal prompts to expose your 2024 excuses - Become Her Now Series

Tired of your own excuses? Me too sis, so I made a journal for us:
It's not too late to change your results for the year.
Grab the free MINDSET MAKEOVER MAP for helping kingdom women kick procrastination and fear to the curb, and start taking aligned action again:
If you're ready to transform and trade your excuses for practical help & breakthrough - you can also book a call with me:
Even if we don't work together, you'll leave with some clarity and next steps to run with.
Let's roar!
- I live in sunny FL and can't imagine being anywhere else.
- I'm originally from Jamaica, so that may explain my love for Florida's palm trees & oceans.
- I'm married to God's gift to me, and am a mom of 2 beautiful toddlers.
- I love all things Bible + business + beauty - and more recently felt called to help women recover the art of homemaking + moneymaking modeled in Proverbs 31!
- One of my own moneymakers from home is a posh planner company to get women closer to God & their goals:
🙌🏽 #overcomeoverwhelm #becomefearless #becomingher #proverbs31woman
