Hard to See, but the Spotted Lanternfly is Still Here

The Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) is still a threat, even despite the chill of winter. Knowing the SLF life cycle and understanding 200 Growing Degree Days (GDD) helps us determine how to proactively target the SLF. At this virtual event, VCE Loudoun Commercial Horticulturalist Beth Sastre will teach you how to spot SLF egg masses in the wild! Learn how to identify the Spotted Lanternfly's egg masses and discover steps you can take to reduce SLF's impact in Loudoun County.
Presented January 12, 2023 by Beth Sastre, VCE Loudoun, & Beth Hutchings, VCE Loudoun Master Gardeners
Part of VCE Loudoun Master Gardeners' Virtual Lecture Series.
Hosted by Loudoun County Public Library.

