Happy New Year. If you are going to bet, bet with us.


Remember those childhood scuffles that seemed like the world championships of the schoolyard? Well, those memories are just the beginning of what Maguire and I, Hawes, are unpacking in our latest episode. We're starting 2024 with a bang, taking you on an ice-cool journey from a youth sports betting app with a humorous spin that I've dreamt up called TimBets, to Canada's gripping hockey escapades and Bruce Boudreau's nail-biting moments. And for those of you who live for the cutthroat world of our hockey pool, we're right there with you, breaking down the fierce competition for a truly amazing Trip to Ireland
Have you ever considered the impact of a controversial penalty shot or the politics behind the Hockey Hall of Fame inductions? Well, that's precisely where we're headed in this discussion. We delve into the intricacies of junior hockey, reflecting on the challenges players face when uprooted to new teams and the contentious officiating that can make or break a game. And for a dose of nostalgia, we pay tribute to the legacies that have woven hockey's rich tapestry and debate over Paul Henderson's rightful place in the hallowed halls of hockey glory.
For a final touch of inspiration, we share stories of Carly Olivier's (Sudbury Native/Coniston) groundbreaking strides in women's hockey and a serendipitous encounter with none other than coaching legend Scotty Bowman on the golf course. As we tee up these tales, we also nudge you to spend January revisiting previous episodes for a full appreciation of the sports world's depth and the human spirit that drives it. Fasten your skate laces and adjust your helmets; this ride through hockey history is one for the books.

