Hanmi handachi ushiro ryote-dori shihonage - 半身半立技後ろ両手取り四方投げし氣の流れ


In this video we present the technique hanmi handachi ushiro ryote-dori shihonage ki no nagare.
Hanmi handachi refers to techniques where the nage is sitting in seiza and the uke is attacking from standing position.
Hanmi handachi techniques in ki no nagare require the nage to move a lot around in order to deal with a standing attacker.
Here is our earlier video covering the standing version of this technique:
• Ushiro ryote-dori shih... Ushiro ryote-dori shihonage kihon
Durward Burrell - 5th Dan Aikikai
Marcin Hernik - 3rd Dan Aikikai
Sandra Bridel - 1st Dan Aikikai

