Govt Concerned with lack of Teachers in rural areas

Government is concerned by the lack of teachers in rural areas despite constant teacher recruitment.
Ministry of Education Permanent Secretary for Technical Services, JOEL KAMOKO says administrators are shying away from posting teachers in rural areas which has led to reduced numbers of teachers.
Speaking after a tour of schools that are run by First Quantum Minerals in Kalumbila, Mr. KAMOKO further revealed the government's plans to partner with the private sector in implementing the newly approved education curriculum.
This is after government approved reforms in the education curriculum among them the Early Childhood Education to start from three years, while primary education will from six years, with eligible entry reduced from seven to six years.
And Mr. KAMOKO says the government reforms in the education sector are meant to respond to current trends.
Meanwhile, Educore Services Founder ANDREW WHITALL is excited to implement the new curriculum as this will address most challenges in the learning process.
