Gout Kidney:Liver:Adrenal

Hello and welcome to Branch Reflexology Institute, LLC
We are located in Okemos, Michigan
We are a licensed school in the State of Michigan
We are looking at reflexes that may be helpful when someone has gout in their Great Toe. The Great Toe is a secondary reflex for the Liver. So when your kidneys are overloaded the Liver reflex can be very tender when you apply the reflexology catapillar crawl technique to the affected area.
The kidney reflex refers emotionally to you as a person being very sensitive.
The liver reflex refers emotionally to someone that holds a lot of anger inside because they don't know how to get it out, or release it without creating more challenges with an issue.
Working on these two reflexes help to bring more circulation and nerve and blood supply within the longitudinal zones that will help to normalize or bring balance to any organ, gland or part of the body that could benefit.
Definition: Reflexology is a science based on the principles that there are reflexes in our feet and hands that relate to every organ, gland or part of the body.
Check out our website if you are interested in attaining a certificate in Foot and Hand Reflexology.
#learn reflexology
