Google Sheets | HYPERLINK Function | Create Link to Website or Spreadsheet | Step-by-Step Tutorial

The Google Sheets Hyperlink function assists to create hyperlinks. These
are link to a website, link to a spreadsheet, link to a range, or link to a different sheet within a spreadsheet.
After you create a hyperlink, you can edit or remove the link.
The MID function
The MID function extracts a substring from a string. Here is
the link to the step-by-step tutorial, with example on MID:
• Google Sheets MID Func...
NOTE: In Google Sheets, you can create a hyperlink through the HYPERLINK function or through the Insert Link menu.
Here's the format of the HYPERLINK function formula:
=HYPERLINK(url, [link_label])
Start the formula with an equal-to symbol.
HYPERLINK is the name of the function.
URL is the address for which you want to create the link.
link_label is optional and is the text that contains the link.
NOTE: You should enclose URL and link_label values between double quotes.
When you move the cursor over text with hyperlink, a drop-down menu appears. Click the text to go to the linked site.
Let's look at three examples of the HYPERLINK function formula:
Example 1
Hyperlink to an external web site, say
=HYPERLINK("", "Go to")
The above example creates a link to in the text "Go to". The site that is linked to text will open in a new tab.
Example 2
Hyperlink to a Spreadsheet
Say you want to hyperlink to a spreadsheet titled Index.
The formula is:
=HYPERLINK("url of spreadsheet", "Index")
Replace url of spreadsheet with the actual URL.
Index is the name of the text that will contain the link to the Index spreadsheet.
If you do not know the url of a spreadsheet, type a dummy url. Then, after
Google Sheets creates the link, hover the cursor over it. In the drop-down
menu that appears, click Edit link. Delete the dummy url. Type the first few letters of the name of the spreadsheet. Select the required spreadsheet from the list that appears. Click on an empty cell to close the menu.
Example 3
Hyperlink to a Named Range
Say you have a named range titled tax_rates, within a spreadsheet, and want to link to it from text Tax Rates within the same spreadsheet.
The hyperlink function formula, initially with a dummy url is:
=hyperlink("0", "Tax Rates")
Hover the cursor over the hyperlink. In the drop-down menu, click Sheets and Named ranges, select tax_rates, and click on an empty cell.
To test the link, hover the cursor over the link. Click the range name text, Tax Rates, and Google sheets will highlight the named range.
Example 4
Hyperlink to another worksheet within a spreadsheet.
Say there are two worksheets, Sheet 1 and Sheet 2. Assume that Sheet 2 has inventory data.
The formula to link text, say Inventory, in Sheet 1, to Sheet 2, initially with
a dummy url is:
=hyperlink("0", "Inventory"),
Hover the cursor over the hyperlink. Click Edit link. Click Sheets and named ranges. Click Sheet 2. Click on an empty cell.
Take a look at this video tutorial, which gives the steps to use the Google Sheets hyperlink function with examples.
