GlitchGarage Vols1&2 : Procedurally generated electro-babble


Something my grandmother taught me was that 'If you can generate a metronome, you can generate ANY rhythm', and I really took that to heart, demonstrated here with 134 minutes of garage-flavoured algorave procedurally generated in Unity.
Code goes in, music comes out, beep boop.
This is all generated in realtime via Unity using C# code I typed.
See channel for more vids featuring the system. New features added since last post :
-Sidechain Compression
-'Filter Curve' option to Sound Modules : Filter Curves are customisable LFO-like automations that can create tempo-syned filter effects
-Play varying audio clips based on random chance or velocity (implemented for kick, snare, & ghost SoundModules)
-Added new mode to ModuleModifier randomisation : PooledSequence.
-Added component to force CompositionLayouts to a target layout index after a given time : CompositionLayoutSafetyNet
-Made FXHub compulsory (auto added by CompositionHub if not found)
-Fixed bug with looped sounds not correctly triggering when they are set to play at the start of a section
-Tweaked velocity application for better volume response
-fixed bug with bass module not following chord sequences when harmonic sequence is longer than source bass sequence length
-Performance improvements in synth output (better cache management, mainly)
-Performance improvements in directSound
-Reductions in garbage generation
#electronicmusic #generativemusic #madeinunity #unity3d #acid #proceduralgeneration #acidmix #unity3d #generativemusic #electronica

