Giacinto Scelsi. The First Motion of the Immovable - English Trailer


The childhood memory of hearing terrifying music pushed the director onto the trail of his mysterious relative: the composer Giacinto Scelsi. Scelsi insisted he received his music from the divine. He prohibited anyone from photographing him and lived as a recluse in his apartment in Rome. This is where he recorded his memoirs on magnetic tape at the end of his life, requesting that they should only be made public fifteen years after his death. In this film, the spirit of Scelsi returns in its ideal form: the sound wave.
A documentary by Sebastiano d'Ayala Valva
Produced by Les Films de la Butte
Co-produced by Ideacinema
First Appearance Award at IDFA
Menzione Speciale at the Torino Film Festival
Filaf d'Argent
Etoile de la Scam 2021

