Gameplay & Features | Such Art | Art Creation Effects on the Brain


Complete freedom to create in a virtual space that helps you find relaxation.
Heya there virtual artists,
Thanks for stopping by for this introduction on Such Art. In this game you can save the galaxy with paint brushes! Well, or at least unite humanity with alien species to keep them from destroying us all. Complete commissions or just go freestyle. Stick around for the end of the video to find out more about how creating art impacts our brain and provides stress relief.
The evolution of human artistic creativity, by Gillian M Morriss-Kay
NPR Article:
Subsequent Study Sources
0:00 - Intro Footage Such Art
1:00- Greetings, Welcome to Such Art
2:13- Studio and Supplies for Painting in Such Art
8:25- Such Art’s Gallery Feature
8:49- Hangar D22 3D Painting in Such Art
9:45- Such’s Arts Pet Bot (Studio Helper & Cleaner)
10:18- Studio Furnishings & Extras in Such Art
11:30- Benefits of Creating Art (Evolutionary History & Stress Relief Study)

