Future Careers Bridge: Your Gateway to Success in the ICT Industry


The provided URL, "www.futurecareersbridge.net/," leads to the website for Future Careers Bridge. Future Careers Bridge is a program aimed at assisting individuals, particularly youth, who are interested in pursuing a career in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry.
The program is a collaborative effort between SLASSCOM (Sri Lanka Association for Software and Service Companies). SLASSCOM member companies are actively involved in providing career opportunities for individuals who demonstrate passion and skills in ICT. These opportunities may come with financial assistance for higher education.
The Future Careers Bridge program serves as a platform to showcase one's skills to the ICT industry. By completing challenges on the website, participants can demonstrate their abilities to around 400 IT/BPM (Business Process Management) companies that are members of SLASSCOM. The program also partners with educational institutes to uplift students' skills and knowledge in ICT.
One of the key benefits of participating in Future Careers Bridge is the opportunity to be selected by IT industry companies. Top performers may receive internship allowances during their training period, and the ultimate goal is to be invited for interviews by companies in the industry.
The program offers learning paths for individuals interested in IT, and there are no specific entry qualifications required. Whether someone is a high school graduate, a diploma holder, an undergraduate student, or in vocational education, they can take on challenges and develop their skills through the platform.
Future Careers Bridge provides job opportunities for passionate professionals. The website encourages participants to aim for the top of the leaderboard, as companies are more likely to invite individuals with high rankings for interviews. The IT industry currently has thousands of vacancies available.
Upon completing a study track, participants are awarded certifications that can be shared on their social media profiles, adding value to their careers. The website features success stories of students who have attended the BRIDGE Boot Camp and have gone on to secure internships or fully sponsored degrees.
For further information or inquiries, individuals or companies can contact SLASSCOM via email at bridge@slasscom.lk.
It is advisable to visit the website directly for the most up-to-date and accurate information.

