From rural Ruatoria schoolgirl to embattled MP

It's almost 18 months since John Key gave the education portfolio to Hekia Parata, despite the fact she'd only been an MP for three years.
Ever since, she's been a minister under fire, with negative publicity on an almost monthly basis.
Parata says she was born lucky, and a 3 News/Reid research poll found the majority of voters thought she was lucky too - lucky not to have lost the Education Portfolio in February's cabinet reshuffle.
So, should Parata have the job, or is she out of her depth? Reporter Torben Akel took a close look at her background, from her beginnings in rural Ruatoria, to her experience as cabinet minister, and asked some of her peers, including Sir Geoffery Palmer, Michelle Boag, Shane Jones and Winston Peters, if her luck had run out.

