Free 7-Day Yoga Exploration

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This 7-Day Yoga Exploration will celebrate what your body can already do, and to help you get curious about your body’s intelligence and power.
Each day we’ll focus on a different part of your body that could use a little attention, from wrist therapy for device overload, to learning how to fire up your glutes for a stable, strong practice. Together, we’ll celebrate the strength and flexibility that are already within you.
Throughout the week, you’ll be encouraged to approach this experience with a beginner’s mind, to inquire and explore, and to positively experience your physical body.
We’ll incorporate breathing and mindfulness practices to help your mind get stronger. And most of all, we’ll disconnect moving our bodies from any desire to change our size, shape, or weight, and notice what it feels like to move our bodies because it’s a fun and wonderful thing to do.
