Filipina we went ICE SKATING so much FUN 🤩

🌟 Experience the magic of ice skating in the heart of Singapore at a now defunct mall! In this exhilarating video, join us as we glide through the enchanting winter wonderland set within the bustling mall. From beginners finding their balance to seasoned skaters showcasing impressive spins and jumps, witness the joy and skill that unfold on the glistening ice. Our rink offers a perfect blend of festive charm and urban excitement, making it a unique and memorable destination for friends and families alike. Whether you're a skating enthusiast or a first-timer, this video captures the thrill and festive spirit of ice skating at [Mall Name].
🛍️ After an invigorating session on the ice, explore the vibrant shopping and dining options that [Mall Name] has to offer. Discover a winter paradise amidst the tropical surroundings of Singapore, and immerse yourself in the holiday cheer. Share the excitement by hitting the like button, subscribe for more thrilling experiences, and leave a comment about your favorite part of ice skating at [Mall Name]. Get ready to be transported to a winter wonderland right in the heart of the city! ❄️⛸️

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  • @joangravel2436
    @joangravel24367 ай бұрын

    Thanks awesome video I enjoyed watching

  • @jrp3333


    7 ай бұрын

    Thx so much for watching