Fiery Discourse: Pokémon: Mystery at the Lighthouse


It's time for the seventy third episode of Fiery Discourse: the only podcast on the internet dedicated to discussing dragonesses, female dinosaurs and other similar saurians and ranking them via the patent pending official Dragoness Scale. In this episode, we discuss the 1998 Pokémon episode: Mystery of the Lighthouse! This episode will answer these burning questions: How many comparisions will we make to both the games and the later seasons? What science fiction writer did this anime episode adapt? And why did both Oak and Bill cook nothing but tofu? All this and more will be answered on this episode!
Join Ludmillanon, Angron, The Shark, Mathmachine, Lucky Eevee, Stryker, Jordan and our special guest Isaor we discuss Pokémon: Mystery of the Lighthouse!

