"Gloire - Honneur - Puissance" (LCL 439)
"Andriananahary Masina indrindra" (FFPM : 1)
"Holy, holy, holy, Lord God almighty"
1. Gloire, hon-neur, puis-san-ce,
Au Dieu tri-ni-tai-re!
Que ton nom soit ex-al-té
Sur terre et dans le cieux!
Gloire, hon-neur, puis-san-ce,
Au Dieu tri-ni-tai-re!
Pour ton a-mour, pour
Tes dons mer-veil-leux!
2. Gloire, hon-neur, puis-san-ce,
Re-di-sent les an-ges,
Joi-gnant leurs su-bli-mes voix
Au choeur mé-lo-di-eux:
Gloire, hon-neur, puis-san-ce,
Des chants, des lou-an-ges,
Par-tout fré-mit l’im-men-si-té des cieux.
3. Gloire, hon-neur, puis-san-ce,
Vic-toire, es-pé-ran-ce!
Les saints et les bien-heu-reux
Pro-cla-ment tous en choeur:
Gloire, hon-neur, puis-san-ce,
Et ma-gni-fi-cen-ce!
Au Père, au Fils, au Saint Con-so-la-teur!
1. Andriananahary masina indrindra!
Ny anjelinao izay mitoetra Aminao
Mifamaly hoe : Masina indrindra
Andriananahary, Telo Izay Iray.
2. Andriananahary masina indrindra!
Na tsy hita aza izao ny voninahitrao!
Masina indrindra Hianao irery.
Andriananahary, Telo Izay Iray.
3. Zava-manana aina samy mankalaza
Sady manambara Anao Izay Tompony izao;
Hianao irery no mitahy azy,
Andriananahary, Telo Izay Iray.
4. Andriananahary feno hatsarana!
He ny fitahianao izay mpanomponao.
Tsara dia tsara ny omenao azy
Andriananahary, Telo Izay Iray.
5. Andriananahary masina indrindra!
Izahay mpanomponao ta-hankalaza Anao;
Feno fahendrena, feno fiantrana,
Andriananahary, Telo Izay Iray.
Choeur Liturgique FLM Ambatovinaky
1. Holy, holy, holy!
Lord God Almighty
Early in the morning
Our song shall rise to Thee
Holy, holy, holy!
Merciful and mighty
God in three persons
Blessed Trinity!
2. Holy, holy, holy!
Though the darkness hide thee
Though the eye of sinful man
Thy glory may not see
Only Thou art holy
There is none beside Thee
Perfect in power, in love and purity
3. Holy, holy, holy!
Lord God Almighty
Oh thy works shall praise Thy name
In earth and sky and sea
Holy, holy, holy!
Merciful and mighty
God in three persons
Blessed Trinity
Oh God in three persons
Blessed Trinity!
Paroliers : John B. Dykes / Reginald Herber
