Feeling breathless or weak after a heart attack or lung diagnosis? You're not alone!

Feeling breathless or weak after a heart attack or lung diagnosis? You're not alone!
Norman Regional's award-winning Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Program can help you regain your strength, improve your breathing, and get back to enjoying life. Our program is one of the few in Oklahoma certified by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR), so you can be confident you're receiving the highest quality care.
Here's what makes our program special:
Expert guidance: Our team of doctors, nurses, exercise specialists, dietitians, and pharmacists will create a personalized plan to help you reach your goals.
Phased approach: The program progresses through four phases, starting in the hospital and gradually transitioning to independent exercise.
Focus on well-being: We'll teach you how to manage your condition, eat healthy, control stress, and live a more fulfilling life.
Supportive community: You'll connect with others who understand what you're going through and celebrate your progress together.
Conditions we treat:
Heart attack
Angina (chest pain)
Stent placement
Bypass surgery
Heart valve problems
Heart failure
Chronic lung disease
Most insurance plans, including Medicare, cover cardiac rehab.
Ready to take charge of your health?
Call us today at 405-307-1728 or visit our website to learn more about the Norman Regional Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Program.
Learn more about Norman Regional's program: www.normanregional.com/servic...
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