Faith, Transformation, and Cinematic Vision (with Cristobal Krusen)

Cristobal Krusen(@Cristobal Krusen), an accomplished filmmaker and writer, has carved a distinctive niche in the realm of cinema with his unique storytelling abilities. With an impressive career spanning decades, Krusen has garnered acclaim for his thought-provoking narratives and visually striking films. His recent project, "Let Me Have My Son," is a testament to his ability to weave true stories with the art of cinema that resonate deeply with audiences. A master of his craft, he continues to captivate viewers with his compelling commitment to creating visually beautiful and impactful cinema.
Key Takeaways:
Screenwriting: Screenwriting is considered a distinct art form, demanding creativity, storytelling, and a deep understanding of how the words will become images. While there are established guidelines for writing screenplays, experienced writers often break the rules to express their artistic eye and engage audiences visually, emotionally, and viscerally.
Being Born Again: The journey from a state of agnosticism to a spiritual awakening, described as being "born again," offers a fresh perspective on life, relationships, and personal growth. This spiritual rebirth includes a new outlook on dreams, experiences, and relationships, perceived with different eyes and orientations. Faith is significant for forgiveness towards oneself and others as a powerful component of spiritual transformation, enabling individuals to move forward with newfound understanding and compassion.
Mental Health Awareness & Challenges: Krusen's recent semi-autobiographical film, "Let Me Have My Son," is a powerful look at how art can be used to raise awareness regarding global issues like mental health struggles. Mental health issues need to be addressed and destigmatized for the sake of humanity on a worldwide scale. The impact of mental health on the homeless, family, and other institutions is glaring as we transition out of the COVID-19 pandemic.
