Exclusive Interview With TNA Superstar Eric Young | Rock 95


TNA Superstar Eric Young chats with McCully about his amazing wrestling career, the importance of coming to Simcoe County, as well as predicting the NHL playoffs…and when he & McCully crossed paths before!
Eric Young has come as close to “doing it all” in the world of professional wrestling as anyone. The former WWE superstar & former world champion has traveled the world, been a mainstay on television, & has even trained some of the biggest names in the wrestling biz to come out of Ontario.
And now, Eric Young is teaming up with two other TNA TV stars in an epic match that’s happening in Collingwood this Saturday, June 1st! Wrestling Night In Collingwood 11 is a fundraiser for Special Olympics, featuring a double main event that includes an epic six-man tag team match. Eric Young, Cody Deaner, & Crazzy Steve will take on the trio known around Ontario wrestling as “the Deadly Venoms”! Tickets are on sale now for this huge event at the Collingwood Curling Club!

