Exclusive Interview With Roderick Strong: The Road To Greatness


Roderick Strong is the International Champion in AEW. But more than that, he is a veteran of the WWE and Ring Of Honor; known as one of the best technical wrestlers in the game.
McCully sat with Roderick to chat about his career, home life, and how he has succeeded in a crazy world.
When asked about the inspirations behind his factions he tells us he draws on what others are doing and puts his own spin on it.
He adds how important communication is to the sport of wrestling. Adding in how the AEW feels like a family, and that nothing would work without his trust in his co-workers.
McCully and Roderick bond as they chat about being wrestling fathers and touching on how their kids influence the decisions they make through their careers.
Roderick also talks about the differences between international and Canadian wrestling fans. He also gives Mcully some tips on how to keep his mustache in perfect shape.

