Ethical Issues in Couple and Family Therapy

Couple and family work presents unique ethical challenges. Therapists and counselors must be able to successfully address difficult ethical questions such as:
1. Scope of competence. Am I competent to treat this couple or family?
2. Goals of therapy. Who determines the goals of therapy? What happens when family members disagree about what the goals should be?
3. Family conflict. When is it appropriate to take one side in a couple or family conflict?
4. Consent for treatment. When one or more family members doesn't want to be there, is their consent for treatment truly voluntary?
5. Confidentiality. How should I handle individual secrets in couples? How much information from child sessions should be shared with parents?
6. Family violence. When is it appropriate to treat a couple or family as a unit when there has been violence in that couple or family?
This course addresses each of these issues in detail, with a focus on the direct impacts on clients when we make decisions in these areas.
Instructor: Benjamin Caldwell, PsyD, LMFT
Length: 1.5 hours
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