Estilo Pampeano - Groupies de Gardel - Folcklore y Tango


Song of the great exponent of the Argentine folk guitar, the master Don Abel Fleury (Dolores, April 5, 1903 - Buenos Aires, August 9, 1958).
"Estilo pampeano" and "Milongueo del ayer" are two of his best known songs. The first one appears more than 40 years ago as a compulsory composition in the Musical School of Tomsk (Siberia, Russia), a place where the author never was.1 Performed by @Groupiesdegardel in his first album of Argentine folklore and tango songs.
The guitar is recorded with a mic
And all connected to this beautiful audio interface
Gardel's groupies we are:
Laureano Cotignola (Bandoneón) - / bandoneonsecrets
Lucas Larrazabal (Guitar) - / lucaslarrazabal
#bandoneon #tango #tangoperformance #guitar #guitarratango #guitarratango #guitarargentina #bandoneon #folcklore #musica #latinoamerica
#bandoneon #bandoneon #folcloreargentino #folklore #folclore #guitarargentina #guitar #guitar #guitarist #bandoneonist #argentine #folksong #Fleury

