ESO: Evergloam Indrik Showcase - Animations & Sounds


Arcanist Khajiit riding the Evergloam Indrik, a Crown Store mount in The Elder Scrolls: Online.
When previewing mounts in the Crown Store, there's no way to see animations or sounds. It's not on the PTS and I couldn't find any existing videos. So I made it myself.
There are some mounts I don't use because the audio is irritating. I was on the fence about getting this one due to comments I'd seen about how it sounds.
IMO, it's not bad. It's actually pretty quiet, I had to turn up my volume louder than normal to really hear it and record this. When sprinting, it does a single ethereal, echoing honk. Frankly it sounds a bit... like an asthmatic duck 😆 But I love it, the sounds are unobtrusive enough and the visuals are beautiful.

