Escaping the Dating App Validation Trap | 2024

A queer therapist describes his own struggle with using hookup apps to find emotional fulfillment through superficial validation. Learn more:
0:00 Discussion of Grindr/Tinder/Scruff addiction
0:06 Feeling isolated and unfulfilled in relationships leads to using apps
0:13 Using apps to feel soothed and approved but left feeling unfulfilled
0:21 Realizing hookups didn't provide the emotional connection wanted
0:28 Going from person to person seeking approval and emotional relief
0:32 Sex got in the way of making real connections
0:38 Addictively hunting for a sense of belonging and being valued
0:44 Hookups provide only momentary fulfillment
0:52 Sex distorts the search for real connections
0:56 Asking what needs apps are trying to fulfill
1:03 Playfulness is fine, but deeper needs go unmet
1:08 Apps provide easy but shallow fulfillment, leaving you hunting
1:19 Constantly seeking the right connection becomes compulsive
1:25 Obsessively chasing a sense of belonging and value
1:28 Pay attention to what needs apps are soothing
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