Episode 56: Q&A: Rescue Horses, Boring Riders, Why Striking & Kicking?

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In this podcast episode, Stacy Westfall celebrates the one-year anniversary of her podcast and begins by expressing her gratitude to her listeners for their support and engagement. She discusses feedback from a listener named Ron, who successfully used her training techniques to improve his horse's behavior.
Stacy then addresses questions from two other listeners. Virginia asks for advice on handling a pushy horse and one that tends to trot off when cued. Stacy advises her to think of horses as giant toddlers and explore various perspectives on the horse's behavior. She emphasizes the importance of building a strong bond and clear communication with the horse.
The second question relates to horse behavior and the fear of a horse kicking or striking out. Stacy explores the factors that influence this behavior, including the horse's social dynamics and training. She encourages the listener to observe horses in pasture interactions and understand that most horses are more likely to move away than lash out. Stacy also discusses maintaining awareness and using body language to stay safe when handling horses.
The episode concludes with Stacy reflecting on her achievements over the past year, including earning a bronze medal in dressage and winning Western dressage titles. She expresses her excitement for future endeavors in the world of horsemanship.

