Epic Escape from Super Mutant Monster Lightning McQueen Eater | McQueen vs McQueen | BeamNG.Drive


Watch Lightning McQueen's thrilling escape from a formidable adversary, the Super Mutant Monster Lightning McQueen Eater, in the adrenaline-pumping gameplay of BeamNG.Drive. Will he outmaneuver the monster in this epic chase? Buckle up for an intense showdown of Lightning McQueen's wits and speed!
About the game:
The BeamNG physics engine is at the core of the most detailed and authentic vehicle simulation you’ve ever seen in a game. Every component of a vehicle is simulated in real-time using nodes (mass points) and beams (springs). Crashes feel visceral, as the game uses an incredibly accurate damage model
#beamngdrive #GiantBulge #LightningMcQueen #Crashcar #crash

