Entity Manager's Find Method - JPA/Hibernate Tutorial For Beginners

The EntityManager.find() method is used to look up entities in the data store by the entity's primary key. The method takes two arguments: the entity class and the primary key value. The method returns an instance of the entity class if the entity is found in the data store, or null if the entity is not found.
Jakarta Persistence is a Jakarta EE application programming interface specification that describes the management of relational data in enterprise Java applications.
The final release date of the JPA 1.0 specification was 11 May 2006 as part of Java Community Process JSR 220. The JPA 2.0 specification was released 10 December 2009 (the Java EE 6 platform requires JPA 2.0). The JPA 2.1 specification was released 22 April 2013 (the Java EE 7 platform requires JPA 2.1). The JPA 2.2 specification was released in the summer of 2017. The JPA 3.1 specification, the latest version, was released in the spring of 2022 as part of Jakarta EE 10.
JPA 2.0
Development of a new version of JPA 2.0 was started in July 2007 in the Java Community Process as JSR 317. JPA 2.0 was approved as final on 10 December 2009. The focus of JPA 2.0 was to address features that were present in some of the popular ORM vendors but could not gain consensus approval for JPA 1.0.
Jakarta Persistence 3.0
The JPA was renamed as Jakarta Persistence in 2019 and version 3.0 was released in 2020. This included the renaming of packages and properties from javax.persistence to jakarta.persistence.
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