Eclectic Coaching and Psychotherapy Q&A with Nitin Shah (Live)


Nitin Shah will be conducting a live Q&A on the application of Hypnosis, NLP, and other related techniques in Coaching or Therapy. This is your opportunity to ask him any questions you may have about these powerful tools.
About Nitin Shah
Nitin Shah is the CEO of ICHARS and Director of ICHARS Support Foundation. He is an Author, Cognitive Hypnotic Coach. For more than a decade, he has been training, supporting and mentoring psychologists and coaches in their journey to create an emotionally and financially fulfilling career.
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#ICHARS #EclecticPsychotherapy #PsychologyInternship #Q&A #Psychotherapy
Some of the following questions we will be discussing today:
1.Could you please explain with an example what actually a day at work might be like for a clinical and a counseling psychologist in India?
2.How to actually make people realise the need for therapy and mental well being for all age groups? As a student who wants to pursue psychology as a career in India, what major skills (be it practical or theoretical) would you suggest to keep practicing?
3. What are the advantages of using an eclectic approach?
4. How do we integrate different therapeutic modalities in our eclectic approach?
5.How do we maintain coherence and consistency while utilizing multiple therapeutic approaches?
6.Sometimes people cant explain what exactly the problem is, in that case how we can find out the problem?
7.Can hypnosis work as pain relieve?
8. Can you please explain more on how a therapist can gain the skill of knowing how to ask the right questions from their client
9.Can you please share the most memorable session you've had with your client and the worst experience you've had so far as a therapist

